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SES biologists have over 30 years of experience surveying for and assessing potential impacts to special-status wildlife species.
Our biologists are skilled in survey protocols and preparing reports required by various regulatory agencies. These include biological resources assessments, impact analyses, and mitigation strategies. We also assist with securing the necessary permits for projects that have the potential to affect sensitive wildlife and/or habitat. SES holds USFWS recovery permits for California tiger salamander and has several USFWS-approved California red-legged frog monitors.
Wildlife surveys and technical services include:
California tiger salamander upland and aquatic surveys
California red-legged frog surveys
Coast horned lizard and blunt-nosed leopard lizard surveys
Nesting bird surveys
Burrowing owl surveys
Snowy plover surveys
Marine mammal monitoring
Kangaroo rat surveys (multiple species)
San Joaquin kit fox surveys
Bat surveys (visual)
Fish passage and steelhead habitat assessments
Section 7 and Section 10 Biological Assessment and Consultation
California red-legged frog
Rana draytonii
California tiger salamander
Ambystoma californiense
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