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SES performs comprehensive botanical studies including assessment of habitat suitability for sensitive plant species and communities, complete botanical inventories, vegetation mapping, focused rare plant surveys, and preparation of botanical resources reports.
We have extensive experience conducting botanical surveys according to protocols required by federal and state regulatory agencies. Our botanical assessments not only establish presences/absence, but also distribution and abundance of special-status plant species and sensitive habitat areas within a site. We utilize the latest scientific techniques and methodologies, including Global Positioning Systems (GPS) with sub-meter to meter accuracy and Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping techniques, to provide our clients with a precise distribution of sensitive botanical resources.
SES botanists have a wide-ranging knowledge of California flora and have conducted botanical surveys in habitats throughout the state. We prepare impact analyses and mitigation and restoration plans for a variety of sensitive botanical resources including native grassland, oak woodland, riparian, coastal scrub, chaparral, and vernal pools.
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