SES utilizes GIS techniques to provide an array of mapping, data analysis, and database management services in support of our environmental assessments, biological resources reports, wetland delineations, and restoration and conservation plans.

We use GIS techniques to map distribution of special-status species, manage databases associated with special-status species occurrences, conduct spatial analyses and calculations, and run suitability models. GIS techniques are also used for background research to map biological constraints in a project area and to identify special-status species that are known to occur in the vicinity of the project, prior to going into the field. Handheld GPS units with sub-meter to meter accuracy are used in the field for data collection.
Our professional GIS Analyst has over 16 years of experience working with GIS databases, including 11 years working directly on the Guadalupe Restoration Project in northern Santa Barbara County. We utilize GIS software such as ESRI ArcGIS Advanced v10.2, Adobe Design Premium Suite CS5, Autocad 2010, Terra Sync, and Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office.